BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls 11-13 Sept. 2015

BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls Souvenirs

The items described below will be available at BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls or by email.

Send email requests to Stuart Keeley.

Souvenir seals

Souvenir Seal of Horsehoe Falls at Niagara Falls

Photo: Stuart Keeley

Souvenir Seal of Horseshoe Falls

Souvenir Seal of American Falls at Niagara Falls

Photo: Stuart Keeley

Souvenir Seal of American Falls

Souvenir Seals showing the Horseshoe Falls and American Falls will be available at the Convention. In the photos, there is a boat close to the falls. This is one of the four Maid of the Mists boats that for many years have taken tourists for a close-up view of the power and beauty of the Niagara Falls.

The seals can be ordered on the Registration Form or by email from Stuart Keeley. They are $3 each or 2 for $5.

Souvenir envelopes

Souvenir envelope with Picture Postage stamp showing Horseshoe Falls

Souvenir envelope with Picture Postage stamp showing Horseshoe Falls cancelled with the BNAPEX 2015 cancel

Two souvenir envelopes have been produced for the Convention. Each envelope has a Seal and a Picture Postage stamp showing either the Horseshoe Falls (pictured above) or the American Falls. The stamps are cancelled with the special BNAPEX 2015 show cancel. Inside the envelope is a show card and an explanatory letter.

The envelopes are $5.00 each at the Convention. They are also available by mail, although there is an additional shipping charge. For more information and to order, send an email to Stuart Keeley.

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This page was last modified on 2015-09-18