BNAPEX 2017 Calgary
BNAPS annual convention
exhibition and bourse
Check this page periodically for updates to BNAPEX 2017 convention information.
Looking for a Roommate to share hotel costs? Well look no more.
Click here to contact
the roommate coordinator at
Be sure to include your email address, the dates you want a roommate for,
and any special requests.
16 August 2017
Friday tour to Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump departs at 0800 (not 0900).
12 August 2017
Additional Exhibits updates for Court of Honour.
Show Catalogue posted on Seminars page.
30 July 2017
Exhibit frame numbers have been rearranged.
There have been modifications made to the Seminars schedule.
16 July 2017
Exhibit frame numbers have been added to the exhibits list and the exhibits are now sorted by frame number.
There have been modifications made to the Seminars schedule.
12 July 2017
Due to a hotel mixup, the Auction has been MOVED to Friday evening instead of Saturday. The Friday evening out at the Palomino has been MOVED to Saturday evening. Please adjust your plans accordingly. We apologize for any inconvenience
10 June 2017
The initial seminar list is posted. Please contact Bill Radcliffe at
If you are paying Registration with PayPal, please follow the following process. First on the Registration page you will see the Full Registration item displayed in the selection box - click the Add to Cart button to add the Full Registration. Next click on the dropdown arrow at the right of the registration description and select the Meal you want for the banquet and select Add to Cart. If you want the tour then do the same again and highlight the Tour and do Add to Cart. Using the View Cart you can see what you have selected and edit it, or choose to pay.
20 May 2017
There is just over a month to go to obtain the Registration bonus ($10 Bourse coupon) and the Hotel Registration Bonus ($20 Bourse coupon for 3 nights hotel reservations)
20 May 2017
Remember if you are flying WestJet you get a 10% discount off your fare but you MUST book using the Coupon code M1WUTQE. The discount is ONLY available on WestJet/Encore Flights. If you need to fly on Monday 4 September, that is a Blackout date, however if you contact after you make your booking a credit can be obtained if you provide your booking number.
20 April 2017
Initial list of exhibits posted on the Exhibits page
9 April 2017
Updates made to Dealer page, Events page (re CPS Auction), and the Registration page
6 April 2017
Due to the delay of BNA Topics for Q1, the last day for initial acceptance period for requesting exhibit frames is changed to 28 April.
9 March 2017
Exhibits PayPal payments turned on.
21 February 2017
Due to delays in publishing Topics, exhibit entry is delayed until around March 7. Please return to the pages to see the status.
21 February 2017
Dealers page set up to accept payments using your credit card or nank account to pay via PayPal.
27 January 2017
Registration form posted. Payments can be mailed or use your credit card or bank account to pay via PayPal.
12 January 2017
Initial BNAPEX 2017 CALTAPEX web pages posted.
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This page was last modified on 2021-01-24