GHRG Meeting Reports 2020 – 2022
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The GHRG holds meetings every two months except during the summer. The season begins in September and ends in May. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at the Brewers Blackbird Kitchen & Brewery in Ancaster.

Members start to gather around 10:00 am to discuss philately over a cup of coffee. We invite BNA dealers in the region to show their stock. Lunch is served around noon, after which the formal part of the meeting begins with announcements and an auction of donated material. The highlight of the meeting is a talk by an invited speaker. A Show and Tell session at the end of the meeting usually turns up surprising and intriguing items.

Meeting reports

2020 – 2021 Season

Meetings and speakers

Sunday, 28 February 2021 (virtual meeting)
The meeting featured two presentations.

  • Derek Smith – “New Brunswick’s Cents issue of 1860”
  • Mike Street – “New BNAPS Books”

Saturday, 30 January 2021 (virtual meeting)
The meeting featured two presentations.

  • David McLaughlin – “Householder Mail”
  • Mike Street – “New BNAPS Books”

Saturday, 28 November 2020 (virtual meeting)
The meeting featured two presentations.

  • Dr Mark Berner – “The Oval Cancels of Wolfville, Nova Scotia.”
  • Mike Street – “New BNAPS Books”

Saturday, 26 September 2020 (virtual meeting)
The meeting featured two presentations.

  • Chris Ellis – “The Victoria Red Leaf Issue Advertising Postal Cards”
  • Mike Street – “New BNAPS Books”

Saturday, 22 August 2020 (virtual meeting)
The meeting featured three presentations.

  • Ingo Nessel – “Canada’s 1985 – 1989 50c Parliament Booklets”
  • Bill Longley – “Trail Blazing New Collecting Areas”
  • Mike Street – “New BNAPS Books and Cancel Challenges”

Access to video presentations is restricted to BNAPS members.
You must log in to access these presentations.

Sunday, 28 February 2021 meeting

Approximately 45 BNAPS members attended the GHRG’s seventh virtual meeting on Sunday, February 28th, to listen to Derek Smith’s presentation on New Brunswick’s Cents Issue of 1860 and the process of changing over from the currency system to the decimal system and the postal history that went with the era. Derek went on to explain some of the varieties that existed and what each issued was used for. With permission from several sources, he was able to show examples of material to illustrate the presentation. Well done and much appreciated.

The next GHRG meeting will be held on Saturday, March 20th, at 2:00 pm with Sam Chiu presenting Force ‘C’ and its forerunners. This is an interesting presentation of the postal history associated with the P.O.W.s from the Hong Kong campaign of World War II.

Following that will be a presentation by Dr. Jim Watt on May 22nd at 2:00 pm. The subject will be the half cent from the pence issue.

We look forward to seeing you. Meanwhile, stay safe and well by following the procedures set forth by our medical specialists.

Saturday, 30 January 2021 meeting

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group met for the fifth time on January 30th. Nick Poppenk welcomed the thirty-five or so BNAPS members present to enjoy an afternoon of camaraderie, and in some cases members meeting for the first time. We have to be thankful for BNAPS having the foresight to make the ZOOM program available.

Following some cheerful chatter, David McLaughlin was introduced and gave an excellent presentation on “Householder Mail”. The subject brought forth some interesting questions and discussion. Mike Street was then asked to give an update on BNAPS publishing. Several new publications are available through Longley Auctions.

Our next meeting will be February 28, which is a Sunday, at 1:00 pm with the guest speaker being Derek Smith. The topic is “New Brunswick Cents”. We will then meet again March 20th at 2:00 pm with Sam Chiu speaking on “Canada’s C Force in Hong Kong and its Forerunners”. We look forward to both presentations.

Our thanks go out to Charles Livermore and Dave Bartlet for hosting these BNAPS presentations. It certainly is very much appreciated.

Saturday, 28 November 2020 meeting

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group hosted its third virtual meeting via Zoom on November 28. At one point there were thirty-seven in attendance. Although this was a regional group meeting, all BNAPSERS are welcome. In fact if a member has a non BNAPS philatelic friend who it is thought may enjoy the time with us, he/she is also welcome.

The session began with announcements. We were sorry to report the recent passing of Tanis Anderson, wife of Bob Anderson. Tanis was also a philatelist and attended many of the Group’s meetings and other philatelic events. Our condolences were expressed.

Mike Street was invited to give us an update on book publishing with several new titles hot off the press. All books are available through Longley Auctions:

The speaker for the afternoon was Dr. Mark Berner from Montreal and the topic was The Oval Cancels of Wolfville, Nova Scotia. It was a most interesting presentation that generated much conversation that led to further research on the subject according to Mark who is updating an article that will be appearing in BNA Topicscite>.

The past year has been horrific, and we certainly don’t want to go through another such year. However, it hasn’t all been doom and gloom. This pandemic has given us the opportunity of meeting people for the first time that we have only heard of in the past through the Zoom program. It has given the world an opportunity to come closer together. No, we can’t greet one another with a hug or a handshake, but we don’t have to wear a mask either. So, until next time, stay safe, follow the recommendations and count your blessings. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Saturday, 26 September 2020 meeting

This virtual meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group featured two presentations. One of them is available as a video recording to BNAPS members. You must log in to view it.

On 26 September, the GHRG held a virtual meeting in which 27 people joined in to listen to Chris Ellis give a fine postal stationery presentation on the Victoria Red Leaf Issue Advertising Postal Cards: Advertising, Design, Regulations. Chris is a good speaker and brought out some of the finer points of postal stationery cards. The presentation was enjoyed by all. Mike Street was invited to give the latest update on new publications. Although we are not meeting face to face, these virtual meetings give us a chance to see people that live too far away to be able to attend regular meetings and the pre-meeting ramble that goes on between members helps to relieve some of the anxieties of the pandemic situation.

It was quite apparent by our survey that people are still not ready to publicly meet in confined areas so we are content to leave things as they are for the time being. At a time when things appear to be much safer than the present, we will contact our meeting place and make arrangements in accordance with their policy.

We wish you all well and pray you will remain so. Until next time, stay safe.

26 Sept 2020
68 min.

Victoria Red Leaf Issue Advertising Postal Cards: History, Design, Regulations
Chris Ellis

In December 1897, Postmaster General William Mulock announced that certain postal stationery post cards could display advertising on the address side of the card, subject to Post Office regulations regarding the size and position of the advertisement. The Post Office issued a 1¢ post card in the 1887-1898 Queen Victoria Maple Leaf series with the design in red. These cards, referred to as "Advertising cards", were the only ones for which advertising on the front was permitted.

In his presentation, Chris Ellis explores these Advertising cards, showing their usage, the colourful advertising that graced them, how the rules constrained the advertising, and, inevitably, how the rules were broken.

Saturday, 22 August 2020 meeting

This virtual meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group featured three presentations. Access to the videos is restricted to BNAPS members. You must log in to view them.

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group held its second virtual meeting via Zoom on 22 August with Charles Livermore as master of ceremonies. Twenty-seven persons were in attendance. Fantastic. In these times of restricted gatherings, face masks and social distancing, it is a wonderful way of staying in touch with each other.

Nick Poppenk, co-chairman of the Group, introduced Ingo Nessel, our first speaker of the afternoon. Ingo gave a wonderful presentation on the 1985 – 1989 Fifty Cent Parliament Building booklets. Ingo pointed out the identification of papers, method of printing, some varieties and especially rates and destinations. It must be said, Ingo has some pretty neat and seldom seen destinations.

Mike Street gave us an update on new publications despite a little glitch in electronics. A full presentation will be on the BNAPS website shortly and may be by the time you read this.

Bill Longley was the second speaker, and he gave us an interesting talk on twenty suggestions of subjects people who say there is nothing more to collect may want to think of. They included things like various types of cancels, matching names to events and not all were meant to empty the bank account. It is suggested you visit these presentations on the BNAPS website.

Here is a suggestion. If you think you would like to be part of a virtual meeting but do not have a camera on your computer, go to an electronic store and inquire about a webcam. I don’t believe they are all that expensive. You will then be able to enjoy meeting with various study and regional groups.

The GHRG is planning a third meeting for Saturday, 26 September, at 1:00 pm providing that slot is available. We are not sure who the speaker will be as yet, but we will keep you informed. Meanwhile, we hope you are enjoying the summer. Stay safe.

22 Aug 2020
37 min.

Canada’s 1985 – 1989 50c Parliament Booklets
Ingo Nessel

Between 1985 and 1989, four different of 50¢ booklets featuring the Parliament buildings were issued. Ingo explores the printing, tagging, paper, fluorescence, and cover varieties found on these booklets - over 100 at last count. And that’s not counting the ten different cover designs. He also explores the postal history of the booklets. Some of the stamps, the low values, are surprisingly difficult to find on cover.

22 Aug 2020
31 min.

Trail Blazing New Collecting Areas
Bill Longley

Bill suggests no less than 20 new areas to collect. Among them: covers illustrating Post Office mailing and franking rules, rural routes, stampless markings, free franking and its abuse, and the effects of technological advances on stamps and mail delivery. For more unusual and exciting suggestions, view the presentation!

22 Aug 2020
20 min.

New BNAPS Books and Cancel Challenges
Mike Street

Mike previews several new BNAPS books. He then discusses some cancel categories that can be challenging to collect: airmail field (AMF) cancels, British and Foreign Mail Branch cancels, and "Double Circle" cancels.

GHRG Meeting Reports 2020 – 2022

Meeting reports

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This page was last modified on 2025-03-25.