GHRG Meeting Reports 2010 – 2012
GHRG logo

The GHRG holds meetings every two months except during the summer. The season begins in September and ends in May. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at the Brewers Blackbird Kitchen & Brewery in Ancaster.

Members start to gather around 10:00 am to discuss philately over a cup of coffee. We invite BNA dealers in the region to show their stock. Lunch is served around noon, after which the formal part of the meeting begins with announcements and an auction of donated material. The highlight of the meeting is a talk by an invited speaker. A Show and Tell session at the end of the meeting usually turns up surprising and intriguing items.

Meeting reports

2011 – 2012 Season

Meetings and speakers

Sunday, 27 May 2012
Larry Cherns – “An Overview of Royal Train Mail – 1939”

Sunday, 25 March 2012
Peter McCarthy – “Development of the Railway Post Office and Railways in Canada from 1836 to 1859”

Sunday, 29 January 2012
Ted Nixon – “The Small Queens Issue”

Sunday, 20 November 2011
Hans Steinbock – “Zeppelin Mail to and from Canada 1924 to 1933” (Part I)

Sunday, 25 September 2011
David McLaughlin – “Every Householder Mail”

Sunday, 27 May 2012 meeting

The last Sunday in May was absolutely gorgeous weather-wise, and that probably accounted for lower than usual attendance for our last gathering before the summer break. Still, the twenty-six members and guests seemed to enjoy the time spent together.

Coffee, conversation and philatelic browsing occupied the time until lunch was served by our regular hostess Kathy, after which the informal formal portion of the day got under way. Mike Street announced a few new BNAPS books in the works and of course BNAPEX 2012 was well publicised. A copy of the new book on Canadian Cinderella stamps was also circulated for members to see.

Although the auction action was good, it was the first time we had an item that didn’t sell. Not that it mattered; some children will benefit by having two excellent Canadian albums available at the CSDA youth booth.

The featured speaker for the afternoon was Larry Cherns, whose topic was “An Overview of Royal Train Mail – 1939”. This ended up being a group participation with several cancel experts adding to what Larry was not sure of. “I learned a lot”, said Larry later. Show and tell rounded out the afternoon; then everyone was off, wishing each other a good summer.

Come September, there will be a slight change in the schedule. The Golden Horseshoe Postcard Club are holding their annual show on the last Sunday in September, and asked if we could change our date. It was a request that we gladly agreed to, so we will hold our first Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting on September 23rd instead of September 30th.

The schedule for the 2012-2013 season will be as follows: September 23, Hans Steinbock, Zeppelin Mail Part 2; November 25, Ken Lemke, subject TBA; January 27, David McLaughlin, Business / Post Office Relationships; March 31, Derek Smith, subject TBA; May 26, Bob Anderson, Brant County.

Have a great summer and we’ll see you in September.

Jim Carde, Bob Anderson, Vaughan Macpherson

Jim Carde, Bob Anderson, Vaughan Macpherson

David Oberholtzer, Mike Street, Derek Smith, Simon Claughton

Simon Claughton (right) holding court with David Oberholtzer, Mike Street, and Derek Smith

Colin Pomfret

A very intent Colin Pomfret

Sunday, 25 March 2012 meeting

What an unbelievable month of March we had in southwestern Ontario, with temperatures reaching those of mid-July. All that was missing was spring training. With everything going on in the area, we still managed to attract thirty-two members and guests to an enjoyable day of philately. Among the thirty-two, we welcomed six first time attendees. Things are looking up.

Fresh coffee and ice water await as we gather to chat with one another or go through dealer stock. Kathy, our favourite hostess, was on hand to replenish and take orders from the specially prepared menu. If you have never attended one of our sessions, you should try it, even if just to sample what comes from the Rousseau House Restaurant’s kitchen.

By one o’clock, with the dishes cleared away, the informal formal portion of the day got underway with announcements of BNAPS and local events. This was followed by the auction, which was quite spirited due to the nice assortment of philatelic literature being offered. Thank you to those who donated the material, and thanks also to the successful bidders.

Next on the agenda was our speaker, Peter McCarthy, whose PowerPoint presentation used railway post office cancellations to explain the development of the Railway Post Office and railways in Canada from 1836 to 1859. Thanks once more to Simon and Victoria Claughton for supplying the electronic equipment that makes these presentations so enjoyable.

Show and tell rounded out the afternoon. This is when we get to see the unusual things people find and sometimes keep for years. Always interesting.

When people resign from the society one of the main reasons heard is, “The society offers nothing for me”. Have you ever made known your specific interests in BNA philately? That’s what generates responses. Comments from others on your interests creates dialogue and dialogue creates interest. Think about it, talk about it.

We need at least two speakers to fill out the 2012-2013 season. Don’t be bashful. It’s amazing what the rest of us don’t know about philately. We regularly hear comments about how much the presentations have been enjoyed. So, come forward, you are needed.

The speaker for the May 27th gathering will be Larry Cherns, whose subject will be “An Overview of Royal Train Mail – 1939”. Hopefully we will see you then.

Around the table under the light: Ken Lemke,
                John Miller, Bill Ferguson, and Andrew Chung.  At the table by the window: Bob Thorne.

Around the table under the light: Ken Lemke, John Miller, Bill Ferguson, and Andrew Chung.
At the table by the window: Bob Thorne.

Bob Thorne, Derek Smith, Rob Leigh

Bob Thorne, Derek Smith, Rob Leigh

In the foreground: Craig Crossman,
                Don Slaughter, and Nick Poppenk.  At right: Kathy.

In the foreground: Craig Crossman, Don Slaughter, and Nick Poppenk. At right: Kathy.

Standing: Rob Leigh.  At the table by the window:
                first time attendee Peter Wood.

Standing: Rob Leigh. At the table by the window: first time attendee Peter Wood.

Sunday, 29 January 2012 meeting

We in south-western Ontario have been experiencing a very unusual winter with very little snow and, when it has come, usually followed by rain. January 29 started out bright and sunny as thirty-six members and guests gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant for another fine day of philatelic enjoyment. The drive home proved to be quite dicey as heavy wet snow created icy roads; however, the atmosphere before that was quite warm. The encouraging part was seeing several first time attendees who seemed to be pleasantly surprised with the informality of our gatherings.

The member dealers on hand provided some choice items during the morning meet and greet over coffee. Lunch from the special menu Rousseau House prepares just for us was delicious as usual. It was nice to have Kathy, our regular hostess, back for the day.

After lunch, the afternoon program got under way with announcements. As most of you know by now, long time member and military postal historian Doug Sayles passed away on January 15. We really had a fine auction this month. Some very good items were hammered down at good prices. Thanks to those who donated the material and to those who provided a new home for it.

It was a year ago that Ted Nixon was asked to be the speaker for this meeting. As it turned out, the timing couldn’t have been better. It was also announced that Ted’s Small Queen exhibit will soon be published in the BNAPS Exhibit Series. At BNAPEX 2009 SEAWAYPEX in Kingston, this exhibit won the Horace Harrison Grand Award, and Ted also received the BNAPEX novice award. Ted took us through the issue from the half cent to the ten cent values in a well explained yet simple manner that made for a most interesting presentation. The exhibit will be sold through Eastern Auctions in their March 10 sale. Thanks for your efforts Ted. It was very much appreciated. Thanks once again also to Simon and Victoria Claughton for providing the electronics.

The afternoon finished with several very interesting show and tell items, including the rare fur trade related cover that was illustrated and described in the first 2011 issue of BNA Topics. Everyone was on their way home by 3:30 after a good day of fun and philately.

Our next gathering will be on March 25 when Peter McCarthy will present his very interesting program, “Mail by Rail: The Early Years”.

Foreground: Simon Claughton. Standing:
                Derek Smith, Jim Watt. Seated, white shirt: Ted Nixon

Foreground: Simon Claughton. Standing: Derek Smith, Jim Watt.
Seated, white shirt: Ted Nixon

Table in foreground: Colin Pomfret, Ken
                Lemke, Jim Carde

Table in foreground: Colin Pomfret, Ken Lemke, Jim Carde

Geoff Hill (standing) with Rob and Rhonda Taylor

Geoff Hill (standing) sharing a laugh with Rob and Rhonda Taylor

Sunday, 20 November 2011 meeting

In our part of the country, the weather has been quite bearable during the month of November. Sunday the twentieth was no exception. Thirty-two members and guests gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant for another great day of philately and camaraderie.

BNAPS President Robert Lemire was among the guests present and appeared to be quite impressed with how our meetings work. Robert is trying to visit as many regional groups as possible during his tenure as President, and has made it quite clear that he is open to questions, comments and suggestions that will benefit the Society. No doubt he will have quite a report on regional groups for the 2012 convention in Calgary. We also welcomed some first time attendees, which is always very encouraging. We hope they left looking forward to the January gathering.

The day began with the usual socializing and dealer stock browsing over coffee, with many items finding new homes. This segment also provides a wonderful opportunity for members to sell their own material or exchange it for more desirable items.

Lunch is always a highlight. The Rousseau House provides a special menu for our group, and we were well looked after by our hostess Laura.

Comfortably sated, the afternoon activities got underway with announcements. Once again, the GHRG represented BNAPS at the CSDA bi-annual show at the Canadian National Exhibition Grounds in Toronto. The booth has become quite a gathering place for BNAPS members. Thanks were extended to those who gave some of their time to greet people on behalf of the Society. We wish to thank the CSDA for providing our booth free of charge

The auction is always lively and this one was no exception, with a good number of lots finding new homes at very reasonable prices. Again we thank all who donated items. It is much appreciated.

The feature of the afternoon is always the presentation. This month, our speaker was Hans Steinbock, whose subject was “Zeppelin Mail to and from Canada 1924 to 1933”, Part I. With the aid of some gorgeous and rare covers, Hans described the airship flights and routes by which the mails reached their destinations. Part II of this interesting presentation will be seen next September. Thanks again to Simon Claughton for providing the electronics that help in making the presentations so interesting.

Mike Street could hardly wait for show and tell so he could present a Peace Issue cover mailed to Russia in period. He had been looking for one to any part of what was then the USSR for more than 30 years! Andrew Chung showed this year’s Christmas Seals, which will only be available to donors, and Bob Thorne presented an unusual Montreal machine cancel.

Thanks to all who attended. A Happy New Year to all. We look forward to seeing you in 2012. On January 29, our speaker will be Ted Nixon, who will present his award-winning Small Queens, which are to be auctioned early in 2012.

Hans Steinbock talking about Zeppelin Mail

Hans Steinbock talking about Zeppelin Mail

An attentive trio

An attentive trio

Andrew Chung and David McLaughlin

Andrew Chung and David McLaughlin

Foreground: Leigh Hogg, Eric Cogswell.
                Background: Glen Archer.

Foreground: Leigh Hogg, Eric Cogswell. Background: Glen Archer.

Sunday, 25 September 2011 meeting

The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group held its first gathering of the 2011-2012 season on September 25 at our usual grand location, the Rousseau House Restaurant in historic downtown Ancaster, Ontario. The turnout of twenty-two members was a little lower than usual, likely due to the warm weather and competition from other events in south-western Ontario.

The morning was spent catching up on summer events, going through dealer stock and generally enjoying each other’s company over coffee before lunch. The food, always good at the Rousseau House, is looked forward to and also seems to inspire good conversation.

The more formal portion of the meeting got under way immediately after lunch with a show and tell which as usual brought to light some interesting philatelic information and finds. The few auction lots were sold quickly, giving more time for a report on BNAPEX 2011 North Bay, which was co-hosted by the GHRG. The organizing team had a few anxious moments but everything came together in the end. By all accounts, those who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The daytime tours were good and the dinner cruise on Lake Nipissing aboard the Chief Commanda II was really a hit. Some people even enjoyed a round on the eighteen-hole golf course adjacent to the convention resort. A total of fifteen dealers were on hand to look after philatelic needs, and 104 frames were filled with fine exhibits. The exhibits were so good that twenty gold medals were awarded. Again this year, as in Halifax three years ago, there were multiple Reserve Grand award winners. We congratulate GHRG members Hendrik Burgers on being awarded the Horace Harrison Grand Award and David McLaughlin on receiving one of the two Allan L. Steinhart Reserve Grand Awards. The other Reserve Grand award winner was Richard Thompson of Saanich, B.C. The full BNAPEX 2011 Palmares is on the BNAPS website.

The designer of the BNAPEX 2011 show cover was Lynn Johnston, creator of the comic strip “For Better or For Worse”. Ms. Johnston also donated the progressive artwork and replicas of some illustrations she used to compose our cachet. These were sold partly though a silent auction and then in a very spirited live auction at the awards banquet. As a result, a significant donation will be made to a charity supported by Ms. Johnston, the Farley Foundation. Named after the family dog in the cartoon strip, the Farley Foundation subsidizes non-elective veterinary medical care for pets belonging to lower-income seniors and people with disabilities. Anyone with a pet knows what veterinary costs are like; more information on the Farley Foundation can be found at:

All in all it was a good convention. Congratulations to John and Betty Beddows and their committee for a fine job well done.

Our speaker for the afternoon was David McLaughlin, whose subject was “Every Householder Mail”, or “EHM”. David explained what this category of mail was, how it was handled and the different rates that applied from Victorian times to the late 1970s. It is a most interesting segment of postal history that he still considers a work in progress. Thanks David for a very interesting presentation.

The Canadian Stamp Dealers’ Association fall show takes place November 11-13 at the Queen Elizabeth Building of the Exhibition Grounds in Toronto. Once again, the GHRG will host a table on behalf of BNAPS. Help would be appreciated for Saturday. If eight or nine members spend a half hour to an hour looking after the table, the day goes by fast. If you can help please contact Peter McCarthy at: Thank you. [GHRG members, especially seniors, should note that taking the TTC or Go Train to the EX is usually much cheaper than the cost of gas and parking fees.]

November schedule change: due to a prior commitment by the Rousseau House Restaurant, we have had to move the November meeting forward one week to NOVEMBER 20. The speaker will be Hans Steinbock, whose topic will be “Zeppelin Mail To and From Canada”. We look forward to seeing you all then.

We also need to remind you that BNAPS president Robert Lemire will be present at the November gathering.

David McLaughlin giving his presentation Every
                Householder Mail

David McLaughlin giving his presentation “Every Householder Mail”

Simon Claughton, Gene Yount, Hans
                Steinbock, David McLaughlin, and John Irvine

Simon Claughton, Gene Yount, Hans Steinbock, David McLaughlin, and John Irvine

A happy group

A happy group

2010 – 2011 Season

Meetings and speakers

Sunday, 29 May 2011
Ken Lemke – “The King George VI Mufti Issue”

Sunday, 27 March 2011
Mike Street – “Peace Issue Rates”

Sunday, 30 January 2011
Derek Smith – “The War Issue Airmail Postal Rates 1942-1946”

Sunday, 28 November 2010
Nick Poppenk – “Canada’s Postal Code System”

Sunday, 26 September 2010
Steve Johnson – “Yukon Airways”

Sunday, 29 May 2011 meeting

Spring 2011 was finally arriving as the final gathering of the season attracted thirty-one members to the Rousseau House Restaurant for one more philatelic day before trading in their stamp tongs for garden tools. Several dealers were on hand to satisfy the members’ needs as they enjoyed coffee and companionship while browsing through stock.

The restaurant needed the room a little earlier than usual so events got under way before lunch with the auction starting things off. Well served and well sated, members and guests then sat back to listen and watch as our speaker, Ken Lemke, told us about the many aspects of the King George VI Mufti Issue. Among other things, he showed us die proofs, plates, errors and rates, all with fine explanations. As Ken said, it is amazing the amount of material and interest that is generated from six stamps. We were hoping to see this presentation in exhibition form in North Bay but it wasn’t to be. Hopefully, it will be seen next year at one of the national shows and maybe at BNAPEX 2012 in Calgary. Nice work Ken. Thank you. Thanks also to Simon Claughton for supplying the electronics that help make these presentations so much more enjoyable.

In the announcement portion of the program, Mike Street mentioned a number of recently published BNAPS books and some which are in the works. You can read about them in the Book Release Notes section of the next BNA Topics.

The major announcement, of course, was a BNAPEX 2011 North Bay progress report. The tours have been finalized. The “night out”, a dinner cruise on Lake Nipissing aboard the Chief Commanda II, should be quite an experience. The show cover is quite unique. Designed by well-known “For Better or for Worse” comic strip artist Lynn Johnston, it features the family going down river in a canoe with fur traders and explorers. Show covers will be franked with a 1950 Fur Resources stamp and one of the four stamps from the 1987 Exploration of Canada series. Also applied to the cover will be an updated North Bay Flag cancel and a BNAPEX 2011 circular cancel honouring the 150th anniversary of the 3-Penny Beaver stamp. An example of the show cover will be featured in the next BNA Topics, and advance orders will be accepted at that time. In addition, this being the 100th anniversary of the Admiral issue, the Admiral Study Group has produced a cover to celebrate the occasion. An example will also be illustrated in the next BNA Topics. The overprints are illustrated below, and are available from Bob Thorne at email

One cent Macdonald precancel overprint

One cent Macdonald precancel with BNAPEX 2011 overprint

Updated version of the North Bay flag cancel

BNAPEX 2011 version of the North Bay flag cancel

PLEASE NOTE: there are still frames available for those wishing to exhibit. Due to the rotating mail strike, exhibit frame reservations will be accepted by email. Entries must be received on or before July 1, 2011, to allow time for finalizing frame layout, arranging for jury members and preparing the convention program.

BNAPEX 2011 North Bay, September 2-4, promises to be an exciting convention with many seminars and study group meetings, as well as interesting tours for the non-collectors. Come and visit this beautiful part of our country, rejoin old friends and make new acquaintances. If you have never been to a BNAPS convention, now is the time to consider doing so. It won’t be your last one. The registration form for the convention was inserted in the last issue of BNA Topics, mailed at the end of April. The next issue of Topics will also include the Program of Events, or you can visit the BNAPEX 2011 North Bay web pages.

The afternoon closed out with a very interesting Show and Tell session and best wishes all around for a good summer.

Our next gathering will be September 25, 2011, at the same location. The speaker will be David McLaughlin whose subject will be “Every Householder Mail”.

Bob Thorne and Andrew Chung

Bob Thorne and Andrew Chung

Derek Smith and Hans Steinbock

Derek Smith and Hans Steinbock

Clockwise around the table: Henk Burgers (left), Frank Hoyles, Rick Hills, Arnie Janson

Clockwise around the table: Henk Burgers (left), Frank Hoyles, Rick Hills, Arnie Janson

Ken Lemke making a point as the featured speaker

Ken Lemke making a point as the featured speaker

Mike Street and Doug Sayles enjoying coffee

Mike Street and Doug Sayles enjoying coffee

Sunday, 27 March 2011 meeting

It has been a long, cold, snowy and sunless winter. While parts of the country felt it more than others, some of us in southwestern Ontario certainly had our share. Helping make up for it was the warm feeling felt during Golden Horseshoe Regional Group gatherings in the ever pleasant confines of the Rousseau House Restaurant. That’s how things were on a gorgeous Sunday, March 27, as thirty-six of us gathered to enjoy a fine day of philately, conversation, buying, good coffee and camaraderie.

After another fine lunch we began the afternoon with announcements. Since we are co-hosts with John Beddows of BNAPEX 2011 in North Bay this September 2-4, it was the prime announcement. Things are going well. Spousal entertainment will feature tours to the Dionne Quintuplets’ home and Discovery North Bay (North Bay Museum) on Friday, the Lumberman’s Museum at Marten River on Saturday, and on Sunday a visit to the Hudson Bay Post and Fort at Sturgeon River. The venue and event for the evening out will be a scenic Lake Nipissing dinner cruise aboard the SS Chief Commanda II. Adjacent to the hotel is a beautiful eighteen-hole golf course, so be sure to bring your golf clubs along. There is also fishing, boating, hiking and camping if you wish to come early or stay after the convention. This is a truly a recreational area. BNAPEX 2011 convention registrations forms will be available online around mid-April and in the next BNA Topics, which should be in your mailbox in the first week of May. Exhibitors should also note that there are still frames available. Get your applications in soon.

The theme for BNAPEX 2011 is “Exploration and the Fur Trade”. Our show cover theme cachet has been designed by Lynn Johnson, author/artist of the syndicated newspaper cartoon strip “For Better Or For Worse”. We will have an updated version of the North Bay flag cancel and a Canada Post cachet in honour of the 150th anniversary of the 3d Beaver, the first Canadian postage stamp. This being the 100th anniversary of the Admiral issue, the BNAPS Admiral Study group will also have a cacheted cover with a Canada Post cancel featuring an Admiral stamp. BNAPEX 2011 overprints on the precancelled one cent Caricature series Macdonald stamp are now available. Contact Bob Thorne at email

One cent Macdonald precancel overprint

One cent Macdonald precancel with BNAPEX 2011 overprint

Updated version of the North Bay flag cancel

BNAPEX 2011 version of the North Bay flag cancel

David Hobden invited those present to visit the Milton stamp club, which is trying to increase its membership. If you are in the Milton area and looking for some philatelic activity, please contact David at

Our speaker for the afternoon was Mike Street, whose topic was “Peace Issue Rates”. This was a well designed series showing Canada as a nation of progress rather than one at war. In the presentation, rates to various parts of the world during the period from September 1946 to mid-1952 were well explained. Questions and answers occurred as the presentation went along. Well done Mike. Thanks for an entertaining afternoon. Of course we also thank Simon and Victoria Claughton for supplying the electronics to make the slide presentation possible. The afternoon wound up with an auction and show and tell.

Our next gathering will be May 29, 2011 - Ken Lemke speaking on King George VI Issues

Clockwise around the table: Nick Poppenk (foreground), Bruce Anderson, Jim Carde, Art Kalmes
                    (standing), Arnie Janson, Mirko Zatka

Clockwise around the table:
Nick Poppenk (foreground), Bruce Anderson, Jim Carde, Art Kalmes (standing), Arnie Janson, Mirko Zatka

Owen White with George Speers.  Bob Anderson
                in foreground.

Owen White with George Speers. Bob Anderson in foreground.

Bob Vogel (back to camera) in conversation with Andrew

Bob Vogel (back to camera) in conversation with Andrew Chung

Mirko Zatka standing beside his son Martin
                with David Hobden (back to camera), Derek Smith and Jim Watt

Mirko Zatka standing beside his son Martin.
Around the table: David Hobden (back to camera), Derek Smith and Jim Watt.

Sunday, 30 January 2011 meeting

This year we have had an unusual amount of snow in southwestern Ontario, making the highways at times somewhat difficult to negotiate. However, anyone having to travel any distance on Sunday, January 30, did so under bright sunny skies on clear dry roads. As a result, thirty-five members and guests were present for a very pleasant day.

Several dealers were on hand to provide a good variety of material for members to browse through while enjoying coffee and good conversation with one another. Lunchtime always seems to come around a little too quickly, but then again the menu is worth it.

As usual the auction brought in a few laughs and a few dollars to cover expenses. Thanks to the people who donated material and to those who gave a new home to the items on offer.

It’s always interesting to see what show and tell brings out. This is a feature every stamp club should insert in their program. We are fortunate in that we have a very wide range of collectors who always seem to come up with new finds and interesting pieces from different periods. Thanks once more to those who contribute and enlighten. It is appreciated.

Our featured speaker of the day was Derek Smith, who gave a wonderful presentation on a relatively new subject for him entitled “The War Issue Airmail Postal Rates 1942-1946”. (At BNAPEX 2008 in Halifax, Derek won one of three reserve grand awards for his Trans-Atlantic mail exhibit.) Air mail rates during World War II to the Caribbean, Central/South America, Europe, Africa, Mid-East and unoccupied Northern countries were explained using covers in a PowerPoint presentation. Mail was suspended for different lengths of time to some twenty-six countries. Service was maintained by special routing to some destinations, such as the North African countries of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, which are currently in the news. Look for this to be an exhibit or at least incorporated into an exhibit in the not too distant future. Thank you, Derek. It was an interesting talk.

During the announcements, Mike Street brought us up to date on several new BNAPS publications. You can read the reviews and descriptions in BNA Topics or on the BNAPS website. All books are available through Ian Kimmerly at a 40% discount to members. Peter McCarthy gave a 2010 year end report on the state of affairs of the Golden Horseshoe Group. Philately is very much alive here in southwestern Ontario.

As this is being written, BNAPEX 2011 North Bay, co-hosted by the Golden Horseshoe Group, is only seven months away. There is excitement in the air and pieces are falling into place nicely. Lynn Johnson, creator of the “For Better or For Worse” cartoon in your newspaper, is designing two cachets on the “Explorers and Early Fur Trade” theme of the show. Souvenir covers will carry an updated version of the 1917 North Bay flag cancellation. A Canada Post commemorative cancellation is being arranged. A cover to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the “Admirals” will also be available. Last, but not least, BNAPEX 2011 overprints on the 1¢ Macdonald precancelled Caricature definitive are now available from Bob horne at email

One cent Macdonald precancel overprint

One cent Macdonald precancel with BNAPEX 2011 overprint

Updated version of the North Bay flag cancel

BNAPEX 2011 version of the North Bay flag cancel

The hotel is booked, the banquet is settled. The always popular evening out will feature a three-hour dinner cruise on Lake Nipissing aboard the ship Chief Commanda II. Tours being arranged include the Dionne Quintuplets’ home, Discovery North Bay (North Bay Museum), and Heritage Railway & Carousel on Friday, the Lumberman’s Museum at Martin River on Saturday, and the Hudson Bay Post and Fort on the Sturgeon River on Sunday. Other recreation options include the 18-hole executive length, largely par 3, golf course immediately adjacent to the Clarion Resort, as well as the boating, camping, canoeing and swimming opportunities for which the North Bay area is known.

If you have never attended a BNAPEX before, 2011 is the year to be part of good philately, fellowship and the making of new friends.

Our next gathering will be March 27, and the speaker will be Mike Street, whose subject will be Peace Issue Rates.

Around the table from left: Bill Longley,
                Jim Carde, Leigh Hogg, David Hobden (standing), Derek Smith (back to camera)

Around the table from left:
Bill Longley, Jim Carde, Leigh Hogg, David Hobden (standing), Derek Smith (back to camera)

John Beddows, Chairman of BNAPEX 2011, and Geoff
                Hill (standing)

John Beddows, Chairman of BNAPEX 2011, and Geoff Hill (standing)

The presentation: The War Issue Airmail Postal
                Rates 1942-1946

The presentation: “The War Issue Airmail Postal Rates 1942-1946”

The presenter: Derek Smith

The presenter: Derek Smith

Bill Longley and Jim Watt.  Talk about relaxed!

Bill Longley and Jim Watt. Talk about relaxed!

Sunday, 28 November 2010 meeting

The weather on the last Sunday of November was typical fall, cloudy and cool, but there’s always a warm feeling when the Golden Horseshoe Group gathers on the upper floor of the Rousseau House Restaurant in downtown Ancaster. The photographer left his camera at home so if you were expecting to see yourself on screen, sorry.

The GHRG attended the Canadian Stamp Dealers’ Association bi-annual stamp show earlier in the month, promoting both BNAPS and BNAPEX 2011 in North Bay next September 2-4. Thanks to Ken Lemke and Nick Poppenk for their assistance in manning the table.

Members began sauntering in about ten o’clock and three dealers were on hand with stock. Kathy, our hostess, had the coffee ready; that always goes over well before we get into dealers’ goodies and light conversations. Noontime comes around rather quickly, or so it seems, and twenty-seven of us enjoyed lunch served from the excellent Rousseau House cuisine.

Since the GHRG is a co-host of BNAPEX 2011, the convention was a topic of discussion at the Ancaster meeting. Plans are well underway. Since there will be a maximum of one hundred and sixty frames available for exhibitors, if you are planning to exhibit, get your applications in early and read the prospectus carefully. To allow as many people as possible to show their material, there will be a limit of eight frames per exhibit. An Exhibitor will be allowed a maximum of one multi frame and one single frame exhibit. Applications will be available in the next issue of BNA Topics. The members of the GHRG voted to supply the nibbles and pop for the BNAPEX hospitality room, always a popular meeting place.

The afternoon began with the sad announcement of the passing of Harry Machum on November 16. Harry, who was at the CSDA show just a few days before, had been inducted into the Order of The Beaver this past September at BNAPEX 2010. He was always willing to share his philatelic knowledge and will be missed.

The GHRG also voted a donation of $100 to the CSDA youth table, which is to be expanded.

Our featured speaker for the afternoon was Nick Poppenk, whose topic was “Canada’s Postal Code System”. Ho hum, you say. Not a bit. Postal history has a future in deciphering all those little slashes you see at the front bottom of a cover, and the orange ones on the back. Nick took us through all the way from tagging of stamps in the 1960s to the present day of mail sorting, and what the post office has one to both speed up mail sorting and reducing the cost. If all goes well, you just may read an article on the subject in BNA Topics in the near future.

The afternoon came to an end with show and tell subjects from Henk Burgers and David Hobden. Our next gathering will be January 30, 2011, when Derek Smith will speak on the “War Issue Period - Postal Rates 1942-1946”.

In the middle of writing this report, it was learned that Colonel William G. (Bill) Robinson OTB of Vancouver, BC, passed away on December 4. Bill was a Past President of BNAPS and the RPSC, and an accredited national judge. He was also a former editor of the Railway Post Office Study Group newsletter and an important member and resource for the Military Mail Study Group. Bill’s last major philatelic contribution was to assist Ross Gray with database information for the new R.P.O. catalogue. He was well known in philatelic circles the width and breadth of the country and will be very much missed.

We have come to the end of another year, and therefore take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry and blessed Christmas and a happy, prosperous and especially healthy New Year.

Sunday, 26 September 2010 meeting

The first Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting for the 2010-2011 season took place on September 26 at our usual haunt, the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster. Thirty-four members and guests gathered to enjoy coffee, conversation and browsing through dealers’ stocks in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. For some, it was a summer of philatelic famine that was sated by the five dealers present, including Andy Palochik all the way from Ottawa.

Lunch – always one of the highlights of the day, served from a very good kitchen by an equally good hostess – was followed by the more formalized portion (for want of a better phrase) of the day. Announcements included a review of the BNAPEX convention held in Victoria, BC, which led to the announcement of the BNAPEX 2011 convention being hosted from September 2-4 in North Bay, Ontario, by John and Betty Beddows and the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group. The venue will be the Clarion Resort Pinewood Park Hotel. There will be 160 frames of high class exhibits, with twenty dealers on hand to look after your philatelic needs. Updates will be posted through the various BNAPS outlets.

Announcements were followed by the customary lively auction that always provides a laugh or two. Thanks to all who donated material and also to those who purchased same. It helps with expenses and keeps the dues wolf away from the door.

The primary highlight of the day is always the presentation. This month Steve Johnson was the speaker, and his topic was the Yukon Airways. Steve went to the Yukon to research his subject. Through a PowerPoint presentation, he took us from the beginning of the service to its end, with images showing planes, pilots, owners, log books and stamps. Well done, Steve. Again we thank Simon and Victoria Claughton for providing the needed electronics. If you think your club would be interested in this or any other presentation given at our gatherings, you may want to consider asking the speaker if he is willing to speak to your members. We have had some fine presentations in the past couple of years, and there are more to come.

The afternoon came to an end with show and tell, which always brings out interesting tidbits. It was a good day and all seemed to depart looking forward to our next gathering.

A reminder that we are looking for speakers for the 2011-2012 season.

Our next gathering will be November 28, and the speaker will be Nick Poppenk, whose subject will be Canada’s Postal Code system. We will also be looking after the BNAPS table at the CSDA show in the Queen Elizabeth Building on the CNE grounds in Toronto from November 12-14. Anyone who can donate some time to helping out at the booth will be welcome.

Kathy, our hostess, is a good listener

Kathy, our hostess, is a good listener

Mike Queale and Helen and Henk Burgers

Mike Queale and Helen and Henk Burgers

Steve Johnson presenting Yukon Airways

Steve Johnson presenting “Yukon Airways”

The presentation's audience

A good audience

GHRG Meeting Reports 2010 – 2012

Meeting reports

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This page was last modified on 2024-12-22.