The GHRG holds meetings every two months except during the summer. The season begins in September and ends in May. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at the Brewers Blackbird Kitchen & Brewery in Ancaster.
Members start to gather around 10:00 am to discuss philately over a cup of coffee. We invite BNA dealers in the region to show their stock. Lunch is served around noon, after which the formal part of the meeting begins with announcements and an auction of donated material. The highlight of the meeting is a talk by an invited speaker. A Show and Tell session at the end of the meeting usually turns up surprising and intriguing items.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Henk Burgers – “The Canadian Expeditionary Forces to Siberia”
Sunday, 28 March 2010
David McLaughlin – “Pre-production of the Maple Leaf Issue 1897-1898”
Sunday, 31 January 2010
David Hobden – “The Small Queens of Canada, a Hands-on Approach”
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Andrew Chung – “Christmas Seals of Canada”
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Shirley Griff-Coates – “Messengers of Death”
Adjusting for the RPSC convention held the previous weekend in Windsor, Ontario, the BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group gathered on June 6. Thirty people were in attendance, with twenty-two enjoying the fine cuisine of the Rousseau House Restaurant in historic and quaint downtown Ancaster.
Before lunch, there was time to go through dealers’ stocks for needed items and also to enjoy each other’s company over coffee. It was a good day for philately, the weather being what it was.
Then we settled in for the program, starting with announcements. Congratulations were extended to David Hobden and Derek Smith on winning a Small Gold and Large Vermeil respectively at the London 2010 International show last month in England. We don’t have the palmares for the ROYAL convention so we can’t give any results on how well our members did.
We were very sorry to hear of the passing of John Frith, a long time BNAPS member and Military Postal History dealer. John battled cancer for a long time. Our sympathies are extended to the family.
And then, auction time. Not too many lots this time round, but it always provides a laugh or two and this was no exception. Show and tell brought forth some interesting items from very early to very modern. That was a good segment of the day.
The feature of course is always the program. Henk Burgers presented a very interesting topic, “The Canadian Expeditionary Forces to Siberia”, based on his exhibit. If you haven’t seen this presentation, make it a point next time it is shown. Thanks Henk for a great job well done. Thanks also to Ken Lemke for providing the electronics for the presentation.
Thinking back, we have had good programs at every meeting. We always manage to learn something if we listen. Here is next season’s all-star speaker line-up:
We hope everyone has a very enjoyable summer, and look forward to seeing as many as can make it to Victoria, BC, for BNAPEX 2010. If not in Victoria, then we hope to see you on September 26 when we gather again.
Clockwise around the table:
Tony Hine (foreground, seated), Derek Smith, Mike Street, John Irvine, Bob Vogel
Clockwise around the table:
Nick Poppenk (foreground), Rob Leigh, Larry Cerns
Ken Lemke and Rob Taylor, absorbed
Henk Burgers presenting “The Canadian Expeditionary Forces to Siberia”
Spring was definitely in the air as March purred its way towards April. Forty-one members gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant on March 28 for a great day of philatelic activity. All this despite the fact that so many other events were taking place. Several dealers were away at weekend stamp shows; those who were with us seemed to be doing quite well. There were a lot of treasures to be found in the bins and boxes. Coffee was as usual excellent, as was the conversation. Before we knew it, Kathy was around taking lunch orders. The restaurant is very good at providing an interesting menu for us – the food alone is worth coming out for. Still, noon always seems to come around too quickly.
Following lunch the afternoon program got underway with announcements. Mike Street reported that the exhibition frames for BNAPEX 2010 in Victoria have been filled and reminded members that the special rates at the Empress Hotel are only available until August 2. The GHRG Secretary gave a brief report of the 2009 activities; an average of thirty-two members attended each meeting last year. We are sorry to have to report the passing of Robert North and John Tucker during the month of March. Condolences were sent to the families.
Our auction usually provides a few chuckles and some returns. This day was no exception as the bidding for some of the articles was brisk. Of course, we consider anything over three bids per article brisk. Show and tell always brings out interesting facts and is a feature of the day. We encourage members to show what they have for we all benefit from it. The Golden Horseshoe Group also made a donation to the Saugeen Stamp Club in memory of Owen MacPherson, a young collector who was killed in the tornado last summer.
The highlight of the day, though, is the speaker, and this month David McLaughlin spoke to us on the “Pre-production of the Maple Leaf Issue 1897-1898”. The design, die proofs, essays colours and printings were explored in detail, making for an interesting and informative presentation. Thanks David.
Gene Yount, Mike Street, Simon Claughton
The buddies, Rick Day and Jim Carde
Clockwise around the table:
Ken Lemke (back to camera), Derek Smith, Paul Sneyd, Colin Pomfret
Arnie Janson and Don Slaughter
Thanks and appreciation is also extended to Simon and Victoria Claughton for providing the electronics for the presentation.
This report is being prepared after the April 9-11 CSDA in Toronto. A special thanks goes to Nick Poppenk and Ken Lemke for stepping up and making themselves available to set up and man the BNAPS table at the show. It was very much appreciated. Thanks also to the members who assisted.
Because ROYAL 2010 ROYALE is being held on the weekend of May 28-30, the next GHRG meeting will be forwarded to June 6th. Be sure to mark your calendars accordingly. Our speaker for the day will be Hendrik (Henk) Burgers, whose topic will be “Military Postal History”.
To complete the 2010-2011 schedule, a speaker is needed for the September 2010 meeting. We all want to hear about your specialties. Please contact Peter McCarthy. Next season’s schedule will be posted after the June meeting.
There are many stamp shows going on from now until the end of June. Please support the local clubs. Happy philatelic hunting.
It was a gray day but a great day as forty members and five guests gathered on 31 January 2010 at the Rousseau House Restaurant for the first meeting of the new year. Six dealers were present, and the activity around those tables was brisk. Some members were present for the first time and some attended after a long absence. It was nice to see such a large turn-out. There were no distractions (football, Christmas, hockey etc.), and we were happy to learn of the return of our hostess Kathy after a lengthy illness. We are spoiled and well looked after. Lunch was ready before we knew it and as usual was delicious.
A happy trio – Wayne Smith, Bill Longley, Geoff Hill
Action at the Coates table
Announcements always follow lunch. Mike Street gave an update on BNAPEX 2010 to be held in Victoria, British Columbia. Members intending to exhibit should reserve frames now. Note that room reservations at the Fairmont Empress Hotel must be done by mid-July to get the special rate of $149.00 per night (plus taxes). A new release from the book department, A History of Cross-Border Postal Communication between Canada and the United States of America 1761 - 1875 by Dorothy Sanderson and Malcolm Montgomery, is available through Ian Kimmerley. This is a must for cross-border enthusiasts.
The auction was full of action with some excellent articles offered. Thanks to all for bidding but especially to those who donated material. Not only does the auction help cover expenses, but it also provides a few laughs. Show and tell was very interesting. Jim Watt brought some of his philatelic gems and spoke of them with a passionate enthusiasm as only he can. We do have a wide range of collectors in our midst, and when they start showing and talking about their specialties, it makes for an interesting day.
Gene Yount found a treasure
Dick Lamb with Jim Watt looking on
John Irvine and Ken Lemke fully relaxed
Jim Carde and Rick Day – dealer talk
Our speaker was David Hobden. The topic was to be the postal history of Halton County, but David did not have it completed to his liking so it was changed to “The Small Queens of Canada, a Hands-on Approach”. David provided samples of Three-cent Small Queens, and helped people see the differences between catalogue numbers 37 and 41. This gave us all a chance to participate, and some lively discussions took place.
David Hobden explains Small Queens
Our next gathering will be 28 March 2010. David McLaughlin will give the presentation, and his subject will be the Pre-production of the Maple Leaf Issue 1887 - 1898. Make a special note of the day on your calendar. If you have never attended a GHRG gathering you don’t know what you are missing. Come on out and make your philatelic life that much more interesting.
We are missing a speaker for the September 2011 gathering. If interested, please contact Peter McCarthy. Otherwise, the schedule is filled. Thank you.
Thirty-nine people, including four guests, gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant for the November 2009 GHRG meeting. It was the second largest gathering to date and certainly a great way to close out the year. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and the lunch, and we were well looked after by our hostess Kathy.
The day started in fine fashion over coffee, going through dealers’ stocks, conversation and greeting one another. With several dealers on hand, there was lots of material to browse. Before we knew it, the lunch hour was upon us. The menu, specially prepared for us, had some excellent choices. It’s not difficult to tell how good the food is; the level of conversation drops. We were too busy enjoying, no time to talk.
The afternoon session always starts off with announcements. We were sorry to hear of the passing of Larry Paige, OTB, of Virginia, a well known collector of Flag Cancels. BNAPEX 2010 will be held in Victoria, BC, at the Fairmont Empress Hotel. Check the BNAPS website for full details. Rooms will be a very reasonable $149.00 + taxes per night. If you wish to exhibit, reserve your frames early because only 150 are available.
With some nice material donated, including two postal related British prints, the auction bidding was quite brisk. These auctions usually bring a few laughs in addition to a few dollars. Thanks to all who donated material and to those who bought it.
The most important part of the day is the presentation. Andrew Chung was the speaker this month and his topic was “Christmas Seals of Canada”. In an interesting and informative talk, Andrew kept his audience’s attention throughout, explaining their purpose and initial similarities of Christmas Seals between Canada and the U.S.A. Thanks Andrew for a very interesting afternoon.
If you missed this presentation, it’s a shame and it can’t be duplicated here. Part of the purpose of this report is to illustrate the diversity of our Group. So, those of you who attend the gatherings and enjoy your time with fellow BNAPSers, tell your friends, invite them along, experience the feeling. Do you feel the Group has nothing to offer you? That is possible, but please consider that maybe, just maybe, you may have something to offer the Group!
We finished off the day with Show and Tell, another segment that gives the members an opportunity to show items of interest from their collections. It’s amazing the little things we learn from others.
Once again, the GHRG manned a BNAPS promotional table at the November CSDA show at the Queen Elizabeth Building of the Toronto Exhibition grounds. Several members helped out over the three-day period, and that was much appreciated. I won’t attempt to name you for fear of forgetting someone. You know who you are so let’s just say “Thanks a bunch”. In addition to people looking after the table, enough BNAPSers stopped by that we could easily have had a seminar or two. This is a great Society we belong to. It’s just like family. Everyone seems happy to see each other.
The BNAPS table at the CSDA show
Ken Lemke at the BNAPS table
Our next gathering will be January 31, 2010, at Rousseau House. Our speaker, David Hobden, will tell us about “The Postal History of Halton County”. We sincerely look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
May 2010 bring you Health and Happiness and many philatelic treasures.
Because of the close proximity to BNAPEX and other reasons, it was decided to move the normal last Sunday in September GHRG meeting date to Thanksgiving weekend, taking a chance on people being tied up with family activities and not able to attend. In the event, twenty-six people, including three new BNAPS members, came to the Rousseau House Restaurant to enjoy a fine day of philatelic fellowship.
The morning was spent in philatelic chatter and going through the stock of the three dealers present over cups of fine coffee. This is the time when we learn a great deal from and about each other’s philatelic interests and answers the question, “What’s in it for me by being there?” The answer, of course, is that you have much to offer and will receive in turn.
We were happy to see our favourite hostess, Kathy, once more. She certainly helps to make lunch a pleasant time. Everyone seemed to have a more contented look on their faces after lunch than before.
Announcements started the afternoon session as Mike Street gave a report on BNAPEX 2009. I think it’s safe to say everyone had a great time in Kingston. Conventions give one the opportunity of renewing old acquaintances and making new friends.
Last year in Halifax, two of our members, Derek Smith and David Hobden, walked away with Reserve Grand awards. This year another member of the GHRG, Ted Nixon, received the Grand Award. Congratulations Ted.
BNAPEX 2010 will be held in Victoria, British Columbia, at, where else, the Fairmont Empress Hotel. High Tea in the afternoon? It will be a good show in a terrific location. At Kingston, it was confirmed that BNAPEX 2011 will be held in another great place, North Bay, Ontario, which is located within the boundaries of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group’s area. GHRG members John and Betty Beddows will be our hosts. They will require lots of assistance, and we hope that many of the talented members of our Group will help out.
Mike also reported on the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain convention in England, which he attended.
The donation auction was small, with about eight lots, but that was all right because most were by then anxious to get to the main event of the day, the presentation. Our speaker was Shirley Griff-Coates, whose subject was “Messengers of Death”, a very interesting presentation on mourning covers. Thank you Shirley, for a most entertaining and informative time.
The afternoon was capped off with a few articles of show and tell after which all went home to Thanksgiving dinner.
The GHRG will be manning the BNAPS table at the CSDA show held at the Queen Elizabeth building at Toronto’s Exhibition Place on November 13, 14 and 15. If members could help out by spending a couple of hours at the table, especially on the Saturday, it would be appreciated. We are trying something new this year by having as many study groups represented through their newsletters as possible. Any study group editors or contacts reading this who would like to have their group represented are asked to send their newsletters to Peter McCarthy.
Shirley Griff talking about mourning covers assisted by husband Bill Coates
Rob Taylor (facing camera) talking to Jim Watt
Colin Pomfret and Rick Hautala looking at Don Slaughter's material
Our next gathering is November 29 in Ancaster. Guest speaker Andrew Chung will tell us about one of his favourite subjects, Christmas Seals. Come on out for a day of relaxation, fun and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Ken Kershaw – “Plating the Three Cent Small Queen”
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Peter McCarthy – “The Stories Behind My Covers”
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Jim Watt – “The Modern Flower Coil Definitives”
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Leigh Hogg – “The Three-cent Fiftieth Anniversary of Confederation Stamp of 1917”
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Larry Cherns – “Social History of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Canadian Covers and Postcards”
Before we actually get into the report on the May 31 BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group gathering, we need to go back to the weekend of April 17-19 when the GHRG represented BNAPS at the Canadian Stamp Dealers’ Association bi-yearly show at the Queen Elizabeth Building of Exhibition Place in Toronto. It was a good weekend with many stopping by to say hello or to inquire about BNAPS. A big thank you is extended to those who helped out at the table: Derek Smith, Ken Lemke, Nick Poppenk, Tony Hines, Bryan Justice and Mike Street. (If I have missed anyone, please accept my apologies.) We also thank the Canadian Stamp Dealers’ Association for providing the table and space.
Bob Thorne helping Hank Narbonne at the CSDA bourse
Brenda Hoyles with Frank in the background
John Sheffield
Jim Watt with Bill and Shirley Coates
Rick Day of Medallion Stamps
Mike Street at the BNAPS table
Peter McCarthy at the BNAPS table
Thirty-three members and three guests gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant on May 31 for the final session before the summer break. The four dealers on hand were kept busy all morning. There was much philatelic chatter along with good coffee. It was nice to see familiar faces that had not been around for a while, as well as a couple of new members.
Lunch as usual was superb, even though Kathy, our regular hostess, was not present to take care of us. Nicely sated and fully relaxed, the regular business got under way with the auction. The bidding was brisk and close to 20 lots fell under the hammer. Thanks to those who donated the material and also to those who bid on it. It’s nice to know we assist in de-cluttering some shelves and distribute it to others.
Announcements included the Royal show two weeks later in St, Catharines, new BNAPS books, and of course BNAPEX 2009 SEAWAYPEX in Kingston this September. For more information, please go to the website or check out BNA Topics and BNA PortraitS.
The speaker for the afternoon was Ken Kershaw, whose subject was the plating of the Three Cent Small Queen. Ken is researching for another book and could do with some help. He would be happy to go through your hoards of Small Queens. It was a most interesting presentation. Thank you, Ken.
We need to thank Simon and Victoria Claughton once again for providing the technological support for our presentations. Without it things just wouldn’t be the same.
The GHRG also took part in a small way in ROYAL 2009 ROYALE held in St. Catharines, Ontario, on the weekend of June 12-14. We put on a seminar that was originally meant to promote both the society and the Regional Group. As it turned out, all but two of the ten persons present were BNAPS members, so the meeting topic was changed to a presentation by Peter McCarthy on the Landscape portion of the 1972-1976 Caricature and Landscape issues. The next little surprise was Shirley Griff Coates’ exhibit of mourning covers. Shirley was awarded a silver medal at the ROYAL and, it just so happens, will be our September speaker. This should be an interesting start to the new season.
We have to wonder what effect the weather has on the attendance to the GHRG gatherings. In any case, twenty-four members and three guests attended the March 29th get together. That’s about average. Despite the absence of a few dealers, most people were able to find something that was needed.
As usual, the coffee, conversation, fellowship and food were all good! Two new members came to the meeting; we hope they will return, and that several others we are anxious to meet will come out too. There seemed to be lots of interesting philatelic conversation. Our auction was down - auction catalogues weren’t popular this day. While we want to make a point of thanking those who donate towards the auction - it is MUCH appreciated - we would also ask only for catalogues of auctions of prominent Canadian collections. If the catalogues don’t sell and if the donor doesn’t take them back, it is left to the organizers to dispose of them. I’m sure you all understand. We can use donations of stamps and/or covers.
Show and Tell always brings forth interesting items. This time a 1925 airmail cover to explorers trying to reach the North Pole and a sheet showing comparison of WWI Field Post Office machine cancellations were included. Perhaps we can turn some of these pages into a clothesline exhibit? The speaker for the afternoon was Peter McCarthy who gave a light presentation on “The Stories Behind My Covers”. The program showed that many covers warrant thorough investigation. One was a letter from Drummondville, Ontario, (now part of Niagara Falls) that was written in direct response to the 1857 Desjardins Canal train disaster in Hamilton. Another turned out to be addressed to a Canadian Motor Torpedo Boat during WWII. You never know what you have in your hands. That pretty much wrapped up the afternoon.
Good wishes and a speedy recovery from a broken foot go out to Larry Cherns.
There are no photos accompanying this article. The camera was there but the photographer was busy giving the presentation!
The next gathering of the GHRG, the last session of the season, will be on Sunday, May 31. The speaker will be Ken Kershaw, whose topic will be “Plating the Three Penny Beaver”, the subject of his new series of books. Try and make it. You will find the day interesting.
The BNAPS table at the CSDA show will be manned by the GHRG again this year. We did this for the ROYAL in 2007 and again last fall at the CSDA show. Since the GHRG was restarted, with those two opportunities, publicity in the BNAPS journals and on the website, and Jerry Jarnick’s advertising in the Grand River Valley Philatelic Association’s newsletter, BNAPS has added thirty-four new members in southwestern Ontario. One or two may have resigned since, but there are other collectors out there who are interested in BNA material. As of right now, we will not have a table at the ROYAL in St. Catharines in June as we can’t get commitments to look after things.
While going through back issues of BNA Topics, I found something I want to share with you. In April of 1990, Lewis M. Ludlow, the President of the British North America Philatelic Society at the time, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Bill Robinson, the First Vice-President and a very good friend of Lew, immediately assumed the duties of President. We didn’t have BNA PortraitS at the time so the President’s Corner appeared in BNA Topics. In the May-June issue of 1990, Bill wrote a guest column, part of which I want to share verbatim. It reads: “Lew has stressed the importance of Regional Groups, Study Groups and BNA Topics to this Society. Today I would like to stress another underlying strength - the friendship and sociability among members. Much of this is derived from getting to know people from all over the world who have similar collecting and research interests. Some of this can be fostered by study groups and correspondence, more by regional group meetings, but the most important vehicle is our annual Exhibition and Convention. If you have never attended, you don’t know how much fun and enlightenment you have missed. If you have once attended, I think you will try to do it again.” (The whole article can be read online by going to the BNAPS website and clicking on the Horace Harrison Online Library.)
You will never know how much enjoyment you may derive until you get out and meet some of the members who share your interests. In the next few months, the following philatelic events will be in our backyard. April 17-19 is the CSDA show in the Queen Elizabeth Building at the Exhibition grounds in Toronto. BNAPS, represented by the GHRG, will be there. On May 31, we have the GHRG meeting mentioned above. The last event of this spring – make sure to attend ROYAL 2009 ROYALE in St. Catharines from June 12-14. Don’t forget BNAPEX 2009 SEAWAYPEX being held in Kingston from September 11-13, sure to be another great convention and a fantastic opportunity to meet our neighbours, the St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group. Of course, the GHRG will kick off another interesting season at the end of September – more details on this later.
You can read about it, or you can be part of it all. It’s a lot more fun to be part of it.
We have more snow in this area than has been seen in many a year. It has snowed continually since October 31st, but on January 25th the snow held off and the roads were clear and dry. Thirty two of us gathered at our favourite haunt, the Rousseau House Restaurant, for a great day of philately.
Coffee and conversation
Five dealers were on hand with material for the members to browse through, and the coffee was good and hot. The combination made for good conversation while waiting for lunch from the establishment’s fine cuisine. For dessert, we all sang Happy Birthday to Betty Beddows as she reached *** (well, we’ll leave that one alone). We then enjoyed a piece of birthday cake.
Celebrating Betty Beddows's birthday
With lunch over, things got under way once more. Mike Street updated us on BNAPEX 2009 which is being held in Kingston. There won’t be as many frames as last year so if you intend on exhibiting, get your applications in early. It is now confirmed that BNAPEX 2010 will be held at the Empress Hotel in Victoria. Tea anyone?
Two books were recently released: Plating Of The Twelve And A Half Cent Yellow Green – Scott #18 by Ken Kershaw and Transatlantic Stampless Mails To And From New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island 1757 – 1859, an exhibit by Derek Smith. Both authors are members of the GHRG. Derek’s exhibit was awarded one of the three Reserve Grand Awards at BNAPEX 2008 in Halifax. All books published by BNAPS are available through Ian Kimmerly.
We had a good auction, but then again we always have a good auction. It’s a fun affair, and serves a threefold purpose. As some people clear out their stamp corners, others add to them, and a few dollars go to the GHRG coffers for incidental expenses. A win-win situation. Sincere thanks to those who generously give articles for the auction, and also to those who buy them.
Eric Cogswell, Richard Hautala, Bernd Duddeck, John Tucker
The feature of the day, of course, is the presentation. This month, Jim Watt gave a PowerPoint slide show on “The Modern Flower Coil Definitives”. Jim first spoke to us on this subject in October 2007 when he talked about what was then known about the rarity of the perforation varieties of this series. The same occurs with the newer values. It was an excellent presentation, and work is underway to make it available online for BNAPS members and others in the near future. Jim will also be encouraged to do an article for BNA Topics. Thank you, Simon, for once again providing your myriad of wonderful electronics.
Jim Watt presenting “The Modern Flower Coil Definitives”
The afternoon wrapped up with some interesting pieces for Show and Tell, and everyone left seemingly quite happy. Our next gathering will be on March 29, when the speaker will be Peter McCarthy. Peter’s subject will be either “The Stories Behind My Covers” or “Mail by Rail; the Early Years".
We are looking for speakers. It may seem early but we are trying to fill the schedule for the 2009-2010 season. We try for a good balance of stamps and postal history. If you have a topic you would like to present to the group, please contact us at: Peter McCarthy.
Thanks for your attendance, and we look forward to seeing you in the future.
November 7, 8 and 9 saw the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group looking after a BNAPS table at the Canadian Stamp Dealers’ Association semi-annual show in the Queen Elizabeth Building on the Canadian National Exhibition Grounds in Toronto. A good number of people stopped by to say hello and pick up some literature and application forms. We were the only society present. Thanks to the CSDA for providing the complimentary table. It was a good weekend, and we look forward to further such associations. Thanks to Nick Poppenk and Ken Lemke for their time spent at the table. Much appreciated.
BNAPS at the CSDA show
Betty Beddows at the youth booth
John Sheffield at his table
John Beddows taking care of business
On November 30th, twenty eight of us gathered to enjoy a great day of philately at our favourite haunt, the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster. Some of our dealers were missing, but that only made for more small group discussions. At noon, the group sat and broke bread together, enjoying the great food from that establishment’s kitchen served up with elegance by our regular hostess, Kathy.
After lunch, Mike Street reminded members that BNAPEX 2009 will be held in Kingston, Ontario. Mike announced publication of the newest book in the BNAPS Exhibit Series, Gary Steele’s Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1874 to 1954, which won the Grand Award at BNAPEX 2008 NOVAPEX in Halifax in September. (All BNAPS publications are available through Ian Kimmerly in Ottawa.) The membership signed a card for Doug Sayles who is ill. We wish you a speedy recovery, Doug. Mike Street and Robert Lemire are once again interim Co-Editors of BNA Topics.
Thanks to all who supplied material for another good auction and to those who bought it. It adds to the coffers for special projects and minor expenses.
Leigh Hogg gave a good presentation on the three-cent Fiftieth Anniversary of Confederation stamp of 1917. It’s amazing what can be done with one old brown stamp. Thanks Leigh, it was most enjoyable. Thanks also to Simon and Victoria Claughton for providing the electronic equipment. What would we do without you?
Our next get together will be on January 25, 2009 and the speaker will be Jim Watt. His subject will be the current Floral coil stamps. If you missed Jim’s presentation at the Royal in October of 2007, don’t miss this one. It promises to be very informative and interesting – you will not believe how much variety is available in stamps you can buy at any post office!
In 2007 and 2008, thirty one people living in the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group joined BNAPS. We hope to see you all at least one of our meetings in 2009. Meanwhile, may you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year
Steve Johnson, Rob Taylor, Leigh Hogg
A happy group
Leigh Hogg discussing the 1917 3¢ Confederation stamp
Mike Street and George Speers
The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group kicked off the new 2008-2009 season in fine style on a lovely September Sunday as twenty-three members and guests sat down to lunch from the Rousseau House Restaurant’s excellent kitchen.
Prior to that, members gathered to reminisce about summer and browse through dealers’ stocks over coffee. The dealers bring an excellent assortment of material, and they deserve a vote of thanks for the good service they provide.
Memories of BNAPEX+2008+NOVAPEX in Halifax and the ambiance of our location created a constant buzz until the afternoon session got under way. Mike Street gave a short report on BNAPEX, stating “In over 30 years of judging BNAPS and national exhibitions, except for International shows we have never seen a single exhibition contain as many high quality British North America exhibits as we found here in Halifax.” Mike then presented Derek Smith, David Hobden and Peter McCarthy with the Gold medals they had not received in Halifax due to the shortage created by having so many Gold level exhibits. In addition to their Gold medals, Derek and David were also awarded two of the unprecedented three Reserve Grand Awards. Herb McNaught was also awarded a Gold medal posthumously. The entire palmares can be seen on the BNAPS website.
Thanks to those who donated auction lots and also to the successful bidders. You made this a worthwhile event.
Larry Cherns was our afternoon speaker with the 20th Century installment of his topic, “Social History of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Canadian Covers and Postcards”. Thank you, Larry, for an entertaining afternoon. A very interesting Show and Tell, with contributions from David Hobden, Henk Burgers, Mike Street and Bob Thorne, closed out the afternoon.
Our next gathering is November 30th, and we hope to see a good attendance. Our speaker for November is Leigh Hogg, and the subject is to be announced. For the November 30 meeting, the Secretary will contact by snail mail all BNAPS members in the GHRG area who are not on email. This was done almost three years ago when we were starting up, and it’s time to remind people of the good times we have.
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