BNAPS Calgary Regional Group

Calgary Regional Group

The Calgary Regional Group is the senior regional group of the British North America Philatelic Society. It was formed in 1956, and still meets regularly. Except for special occasions, the Group meets ten times per year, on the second Wednesday of each month, September through June.

Early strike of the first Calgary hammer

Early strike of the first Calgary hammer

The meetings are held at:
Chateau Renoir Retirement Residence
9229 16th Street SW

Doors open at 6:30 PM
Program starts at 7:00 PM

From 14th Street SW, turn west on 90th Ave SW
Then turn left at the first light, 16th Street SW
Turn right into the Chateau Renoir parking lot, park anywhere
Please sign in at the desk. The meeting is in the second floor boardroom.

You are ALWAYS welcome at BNAPS Calgary!

Meetings are announced in the "Upcoming Events" area of the BNAPS website home page and on this page. We invite you to attend the meetings.

We also extend a warm welcome to BNAPS members visiting the Calgary area and guests with an interest in the stamps and postal history of Canada and the provinces (not just Alberta!).

The reports of previous meetings will give you an idea of the range of topics discussed at a typical gathering.

Upcoming Events

No events currently scheduled.

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This page was last modified on 2024-04-14.