BNAPS ORE - Reference Articles

An Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps

Christopher D. Ryan

Tobacco Tax

During the 1940s, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island used stamps to collect a tax on retail sales of tobacco products. The funds were designated for health purposes. For federal and Newfoundland tobacco stamps, see Excise Duty.

Introduction |
Airport Departure Fee Tickets | Amusements Tax Tickets | Assurance License Stamps |
Bill Stamps |
Chômage-Unemployment Stamps | Consular Fee Stamps | Customs Duty Stamps |
Electric Light or Electricity Inspection Stamps | Excise and War Tax Stamps |
Excise Duty – Tobacco Stamps and Malt Syrup Stamps |
Garbage Tags | Gas Inspection Stamps | Gasoline Tax Stamps |
Hospitals Aid Stamps | Hunting and Fishing Stamps |
Inland Revenue Stamps |
Law Stamps | Liquor Stamps – Federal | Luxury Tax Stamps |
Postal Note and Scrip Stamps |
Registration Stamps |
Sales Tax Tickets | Saskatchewan Power Commission | Search Fee |
Telegraph Franks | Telephone Franks | Tobacco Tax | Transfer Tax Stamps | Transportation Tax Stamps |
Unemployment Insurance Stamps |
Vacation Pay Credit Stamps |
War Savings and Thrift Stamps | Weights and Measures Stamps

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This page was last modified on 2015-01-31