BNAPS ORE - Reference Articles

An Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps

Christopher D. Ryan

Garbage Tags

Starting in early 1990s, many municipal and regional governments introduced a collection fee per bag or other approved container of garbage. In general, a fixed number of bags or other containers are collected free of charge with any excess required to be affixed with a tag in payment of the prescribed collection fee. These Garbage Tags usually take the form of a self-adhesive strip or decal and must be purchased in advance from a government office or other authorized vendor.

The application of the collection fee varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some localities require a tag on all garbage. Others localities have special tags for higher fees charged on large items and other special disposals such as vehicle tires and devices containing ozone-depleting refrigerants. Recyclable materials that are properly separated and sorted are typically exempt from a collection fee.

Garbage Bag Tag from Corner Brook, NL, to be used on each bag over the limit of four

Garbage Bag Tag from Corner Brook, NL, to be used on each bag over the limit of four

Garbage Bag Tag for extra bag from the Village of McAdam, NB

Garbage Bag Tag for extra bag from the Village of McAdam, NB

Garbage Bag Tag from Lambton Shores, ON

Garbage Bag Tag from Lambton Shores, ON

Garbage Bag Tag for extra bag from the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, AB

Garbage Bag Tag for extra bag from the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, AB

Introduction |
Airport Departure Fee Tickets | Amusements Tax Tickets | Assurance License Stamps |
Bill Stamps |
Chômage-Unemployment Stamps | Consular Fee Stamps | Customs Duty Stamps |
Electric Light or Electricity Inspection Stamps | Excise and War Tax Stamps |
Excise Duty – Tobacco Stamps and Malt Syrup Stamps |
Garbage Tags | Gas Inspection Stamps | Gasoline Tax Stamps |
Hospitals Aid Stamps | Hunting and Fishing Stamps |
Inland Revenue Stamps |
Law Stamps | Liquor Stamps – Federal | Luxury Tax Stamps |
Postal Note and Scrip Stamps |
Registration Stamps |
Sales Tax Tickets | Saskatchewan Power Commission | Search Fee |
Telegraph Franks | Telephone Franks | Tobacco Tax | Transfer Tax Stamps | Transportation Tax Stamps |
Unemployment Insurance Stamps |
Vacation Pay Credit Stamps |
War Savings and Thrift Stamps | Weights and Measures Stamps

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This page was last modified on 2015-02-03