BNAPS ORE - Reference Articles

An Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps

Christopher D. Ryan

Saskatchewan Power Commission

In Saskatchewan, revenue stamps were used first in the City of Saskatoon, then throughout the Province, for the payment of fees levied on the inspection of wiring and other electrical installations such as service entrances, motors and transformers. Initially, the stamps were affixed by electricians or contractors to official work-reports that were submitted to the responsible government body. Later, payments of the fees were made in cash and the stamps were affixed within the provincial government office.

The verification of the supply voltage and of the meters used to measure electrical consumption was the responsibility of the federal government, who issued its own revenue stamps for this service. (See Electric Light or Electricity Inspection Stamps.)

Saskatchewan Power Commission Inspection Fee form with stamps affixed

Saskatchewan Power Commission Inspection Fee form with stamps affixed

Introduction |
Airport Departure Fee Tickets | Amusements Tax Tickets | Assurance License Stamps |
Bill Stamps |
Chômage-Unemployment Stamps | Consular Fee Stamps | Customs Duty Stamps |
Electric Light or Electricity Inspection Stamps | Excise and War Tax Stamps |
Excise Duty – Tobacco Stamps and Malt Syrup Stamps |
Garbage Tags | Gas Inspection Stamps | Gasoline Tax Stamps |
Hospitals Aid Stamps | Hunting and Fishing Stamps |
Inland Revenue Stamps |
Law Stamps | Liquor Stamps – Federal | Luxury Tax Stamps |
Postal Note and Scrip Stamps |
Registration Stamps |
Sales Tax Tickets | Saskatchewan Power Commission | Search Fee |
Telegraph Franks | Telephone Franks | Tobacco Tax | Transfer Tax Stamps | Transportation Tax Stamps |
Unemployment Insurance Stamps |
Vacation Pay Credit Stamps |
War Savings and Thrift Stamps | Weights and Measures Stamps

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This page was last modified on 2015-01-31