BNAPEX 2012 CALTAPEX Calgary Overprints
Single stamps: $1.00 each.
There are 8 variations of the stamps - BNAPEX regular and Inverted, Caltapex regular and Inverted, Bronco regular and Inverted,
and Overprinted on Gum regular and Inverted. 6 of the variations are shown.
Due to heavy demand for stamps with the bronco
we have made a second printing with a revised sheet which can be seen below.
Also numerous requests were made that the traditional Macdonald 1c precancel stamp be maintained, hence the 1c Orange Macdonald Precancel sheet is also shown below and is
available for the show. Prices are the same at $1 per stamp.
Plate strips of 2 × 10 stamps: $20.00
There are 3 Picture postage stamps shown below for each day of the show, primary use is for the show covers, but stamps will be available
for $2.50 per stamp.
For Sheets contact us
Contact Dave Bartlet