Welcome to BNA Topics
BNA Topics is the official journal of the British North America Philatelic Society. Below, on this page, you will find links to the Tables of Contents for the current and several previous issues. In mid-October, 2004, we added "The Horace W. Harrison Online Library" located in a new web site that contains the contents of all TOPICS journals from the first issue in 1944 to all of the issues for 1999. This wonderful achievement was driven by member John Walsh. The website work was done by Charles Livermore.
The Society is interested in receiving your comments about BNA Topics. Please write Robert Lemire.
The Society offers the prestigious Vincent G. Greene Award for the 'Best Article or Series in BNA TOPICS' during the previous calendar year. The award is named for one of the Canada's legendary philatelists, the late Vincent Graves Greene, OTB, a lifelong advocate of Canada and B.N.A. philately. Recipients are selected by members of the Publications Committee, plus the Chairman of the BNAPS Board of Directors, and the BNAPS President and Past President. The award is a handsome pewter stein adorned with the BNAPS crest or logo on which the year of the award and the recipient's name are engraved.