These two stamps sure look alike. They were issued at the same time, in 1959, by Canada and the United States of America. They were issued to celebrate the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, on the St. Lawrence River. Find the St. Lawrence River on a map of North America!! The Seaway was built by both countries to make it easier for large ocean-going ships to travel to the Great Lakes. Here are the differences:

1. Two different countries!! One stamp says Canada on it, the other says United States.

2. The Canada stamp cost 5 Canadian cents to buy, while the USA stamp cost 4 US cents.

3. The Canadian stamp uses two languages: English and French (these are the two official languages of Canada). The USA stamp is only in English.

4. The Canada stamp is slightly smaller than the USA stamp.

5. The colours are slightly different, but it might be that the Canada stamp has faded a bit.

If you have one of the Canadian stamps of this issue, and the part in the inside is upside down, then jump for joy!! A few were printed upside down by mistake, and they are worth as much as $15,000!!

Watch for more puzzles in the weeks ahead.

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