2006 - Sudbury ON - Banquet and Awards
Row 1
Bill Pawluk, Cimon Moran, Charlie Livermore
Charlie Livermore (outgoing President) consoling Bill Pawluk (incoming President)
Row 2
Art Klass (Chairman), Charlie Livermore (President)
Tracy Cooper, Kirsten
Row 3
Taking their bar exam - John Frith, Bob Thorne, Andy Chung
Must have passed the bar exam - notice the two drinks!
Bill Longley, Gar Lohman, Bill Radciffe (Novice award recipient)
Row 4
Gar Lohman, Bob Dyer
?, Bill Longley
Earle Covert, Gar Lohman
Row 5
David Yaschyshyn
Colin Pomfret, Bill Longley
Vic Willson, John Arn
Row 6
John Arn introducing the inauguration of the White Queen Award for best Elizabethan exhibit.
Robert Elias, John Arn
Vic Willson presenting Doug Lingard with the Grand Award
Row 7
Tracy Cooper
Harry Machum, Show Chair
Row 8
Harry Machum presenting certificates of thanks to the judges
Vic Willson, Gar Lohman, Bill Longley, Bill Walton
Harry and Dorothy Machum
Row 9
Harry and Dorothy Machum
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