The Social Side

First Night Dinner . . . Past-President's Reception . . . Registration . . . Hospitality Suite . . . Carousel Evening . . .

Dinner Time - First Night

Vic Willson, Arline Burnett, John Burnett, Carol Willson

Cimon Morin, Mike Street

Audry Covert, Carol Street, Mike Street, Art Klass, Cimon Morin, Earle Covert.

Judy Hawes, Don Fraser, Robert Lemire, Jean Walton, Bill Walton
Earle Covert, Audry Covert, Carol Street, Mike Street, Art Klass

Jim and Dolores Hansen

Stu Harper

Past President's Reception

Earle Covert, Vic Willson, Ed Harris, Bob Lee (First Vice President) doing the introductions, and Mike Street.

Dessert Alley

Past-President's Receiption

Herb McNaught, Elsie Jupp, John and Audrey Rempert

Arline Burnett, Carol Willson

Ed Harris, Kay Harris, Bev Wallace, Sandra Lee

Welcome to the Past-President's Reception

1. Marj Koepke, 2. Norm Wagner (Marj and Norm will soon operate the BNAPS Book Department), 3. Gary Steele, 4. Tom Watkins, 5. Tracy Cooper, 6. Bill Longley, 7. John Keenly Side

Reception Area

Mike Street, John Hillmer, John Arn

Jack Wallace, Sandra Lee, Bev Wallace, John Hillmer, John Arn

Hospitality Suite

1 ?, 2. David Handleman, 3. ?, 4. Earle Covert, 5. Jane Theile, 6. Jerry Jarnick, 7. Doug Lingard, 8. Tracy Covert, 9. Peter Jacobi, 10. Jack Wallace, 11. Ken Ellison

1. Pete Jacobi, 2. Bill Radcliffe, 3. Hank Narbonne, 4. Hendrik Burgers, 5. ?, 6. ?,
7. David Handleman, 8. Jane Theile

Carousel Evening

Bill Radcliff

Bill Longley gets the gold.

Joyce and Jerry Jarnick

Carol and Mike Street

Bill and Jean Walton

Jean and Don Wilson

Jane Theile

Waiting for the Carousel

Tracy Cooper (Yahoo)

Dinner Line

Dinner Line

Dinner Line

Dinner Line

Art Klass, Judy Hawes, Robert Lemire, Jean Walton, Bill Walton

Dinner Line