BNAPS Large and Small Queens Study Group


The original Small Queens Study Group was formed in 1950, just the second BNAPS Study Group to be formed. The founding members were Dr. Armand Gelinas (Chairman), Peter Hurst, Richard P. Hedley (Treasurer), Louis Crosby, A. K. Grimmer, B. C. Binks, Roland L. Powe, Lester N. Littlefield, Robert J. Duncan, M. W. Cryderman, R. W. Lees-Jones, and Russell Allison. The Study Group displayed a non-competitive two-frame exhibit at BNAPEX 1950 Philadelphia, PA.

The most recent incarnation of the Study Group was formed at the 1975 BNAPEX convention in Toronto. Twelve people attended a Small Queens meeting chaired by Bill Simpson, and elected to form the Study Group. Don Fraser volunteered to edit the Study Group newsletter, aiming to publish on a quarterly schedule. The Group went dormant in 1992.

In 1996, Ron Ribbler volunteered to chair a study group devoted to the Large and Small Queens, and Roy Sass volunteered to edit the Study Group newsletter. The original intent was to concentrate on the Large Queens. The Small Queens were added because the Small Queens Study Group was dormant and the two definitive sets shared common features.

The newsletters of both Study Groups are available below.

Small Queens Study Group

Newsletter editors

From To Editor
1976 1986 Don Fraser
1987 1992 W. G. Burden

Newsletters of the Study Group formed in 1950

1952 List of members, research topics, and fancy cancels found on the Small Queens (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Newsletters of the Study Group formed in 1975

The issues are in PDF format. File sizes vary from 1.0 to 14.7 MB.
When you click on an issue number, it will be displayed in a new window. Closing the window returns you to this page.

1985 v10 #1 v10 #2 v10 #3
1986 v11 #1 v11 #2 v11 #3
1987 v12 #1 v12 #2
1988 v12 #3
1989 v13 #1 v14 #1 v14 #2

1990 v15 #1 v15 #2 v15 #3
1991 v16 #1 v16 #2
1992 v17 #1&2 v17 #3
1976 v1 #1 v1 #2 v1 #3
1977 v2 #1 v2 #2 v2 #3 v2 #4
1978 v3 #1 v3 #2 v3 #3 v3 #4
1979 v4 #1 v4 #2 v4 #3

1980 v4 #4 v5 #1&2
1981 v6 #1 v6 #2
1982 v7 #1 v7 #2
1983 v8 #1 v8 #2
1984 v9 #1 v9 #2 v9 #3 v9 #4 v9 #5

Index for Newsletter Vols. 1 - 15 (PDF, 3.7 MB)

An index for Vols. 1 to 16 was compiled by Samuel Rock and published in Philiography Canada, Vol. 3, No. 4, July 1993, the newsletter of the Philatelic Literature Study Group.

Large and Small Queens Study Group

Newsletter editors

From To Editor
1997 2006 Roy Sass
2007 2018 Glenn Archer
2019 Victor L. Willson

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